Technical Translations almost 500 visitors!!

I started this website in september this year, since then until now I have almost 500 visitors. So it looks like a lot of people are searching for technical translations on the internet relating to lift & hoisting equipment, rigging equipment and container handling...etc. I will keep on updating this website with more translations with pictures of each subject, let me know what you are searching for if you can´t find it here. (use the searchbox or see the labels)
Leave comments and feedback and rate my site if you found what you are looking for.
It´s always good to know that my work could help you.

If you know something about html & css maybe you can help me resolve my problem with the label cloud, it´s not making the cloud it just makes the list. So if you have some knowledge and have the time to see the code to see what is wrong let me know.

Enjoy my website!

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