Technical Translations and Glossaries: Lifting, Hoisting and Harbour Terms

Welcome to my webblog, here you can find technical translations relating to lifting and hoisting equipment to Portuguese(Portugal & Brazil) and Dutch, Flemish (Belgium).
With each translation I post a picture so you can see what it is and sometimes extra information about the word. If you know another word for the term you can post it in the comments section of the post so that everyone can easily find the translations they are looking for.
If you know the French, German, Spanish, ... translation please feel free to share it also in the comments section.

Use the search box to find the correct term you need or skim through the labels, if you can´t find the term let me know and I will look it up for you and post it here.

You can also find a collection of glossaries relating to Lift & Hoisting equipment, Port & Shipping terms in Portuguese, Dutch & English.

Let me know what you think of my website, all suggestions & comments are welcome.

Enjoy my website!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post! I am sure this glossary might be very useful to other professional technical translators!
