(PT) Equipamentos de Proteção Individual - EPI
(NL) Persoonlijke Beschermingsmiddelen - PBM

Multilingual translation glossary of technical terms and equipment in Portuguese, Dutch & English. Terminology reference with informative pictures with each object. Lifting, hoisting and rigging glossary. Safety equipment translations.
What should you inspect at the body of a clamp?
Follow the clamp manufacturers' maintenance recommendations.
Inspect internal and external surfaces for forging or weld fractures, wear and distortion.
Check all pin holes for wear.
Inspect the throat (clamp opening) width. At zero grip, the cam should be in full contact with the pad.
Measure the width of the throat. If the measurement at the base, where the pad is located is greater than at the top, the body has been overloaded. Replace the clamp; tag the defective clamp and remove it from service.
How should you inspect the internal parts of the clamp?
Soak overnight in a degreasing solvent to remove all dirt and grease that prevent proper inspection of components. Degreasing solvents should be used in appropriately well ventilated areas. Handle the wet clamp parts while wearing gloves made of material that is chemically resistant to the solvent.
Remove the body pins or bolts and slide out the complete internal mechanism.
Check each body pin or bolt for wear or bending due to overloading.
Check each spacer, rivet, bolt or internal part for play or wear.
What should you know about the spring, cam, lock and pads?
The cam spring should be strong enough to hold the cam against the pad.
The locking spring should give initial pressure at near zero grip without material in the clamp.
There should be "definite tension" in the locked position.
The spring should not be bent or distorted.
The lock assembly should rotate freely without binding and must rest fully on the stop pin.
Cams and pads are vital parts of a clamp and are exposed to wear. Use on one size plate thickness will cause wear only in one area of the cam working surface. Replacement is required sooner than when a cam is used to handle different plate thicknesses.
Examine the cam surface. If the teeth are flattened by 50% or more, replace the cam and pad.
Teeth must be sharp and free of foreign material.
What should you avoid when using plate clamps?Do not lift over workers.
Do not stand near a load. Position yourself away from and fully clear of the load.
Do not lift from the side with a vertical clamp.
Do not lift more than one plate at a time with a vertical clamp.
Do not lift plate from the bottom of a plate stack.
Do not grind, weld or modify a clamp.
Do not use a clamp having a minimum jaw opening larger than the thickness of the load.
Do not leave suspended loads unattended.
How should you select the right bolt?
Use plain or shoulderless eye bolts or ring bolts for vertical loading only. Angle loading on shouderless bolts will bend or break them.
Use shoulder eye bolts for vertical or angle loading.
How should you use eye bolts safely?
Orient the eye bolt in line with the slings. If the load is applied sideways, the eye bolt may bend.
Pack washers between the shoulder and the load surface to ensure that the eye bolt firmly contacts the surface. Ensure that the nut is properly torqued.
Engage at least 90% of threads in receiving a hole when using shims or washers.
Attach only one sling leg to each eye bolt.
Inspect and clean the eye bolt threads and the hole.
Screw the eye bolt on all the way down and properly seat.
Ensure the tapped hole for a screw eye bolt (body bolts) has a minimum depth of one-and-a-half times the bolt diameter.
Install the shoulder at right angles to the axis of the hole. The shoulder should be in full contact with the surface of the object being lifted.
What should you avoid when using eye bolts?
Do not run a sling through a pair of eye bolts: this will reduce the effective angle of lift and will put more strain on the rigging.
Do not use eye bolts that have been ground, machined or stamped.
Do not paint an eye bolt. The paint could cover up flaws.
Do not use eye bolts that have worn threads or other flaws.
Do not insert the point of a hook in an eye bolt. Use a shackle.
Technical Translations.
lifting, hoisting, rigging equipment, harbour terms, cranes, hoists, fall protection, scaffolds. Traduções Técnicos. equipamento de Levantamento, Içamento, guindastes, talhas, epi. Technische vertalingen hef en hijsmateriaal, aanslagmateriaal, haven termen, kranen, takels, stellingen, pbm. |
Technical terms glossary, translation to english, dutch, portuguese.
Hoisting equipment, harbour equipment, lifting attachments, construction tools, cranes, scaffolds, machines, machine parts, safety equipment.
All words with illustrating pictures. Woordenlijst met vertaling van technische termen en toestellen.
Hef- en Hijswerktuigen - Equipamento de Levantamento / Içamento
Hijs toebehoren / acessórios para içamento Nederlands, Portugees, Engels